Awesome body massage video | Auto insurance

An auto insurance is a contract (also known as a policy) between the owner of a car and an insurance company. In this contract, two key agreements are established:

That the insurance company will cover the total or partial cost caused by an incident in which the insured vehicle is involved.
That the insured will pay a monthly or annual amount (also known as a premium)
How does auto insurance work in case of accidents?
In case you suffer a traffic accident it is important that you know when you must present the certificate to Carabineros to collect the insurance , since since 2016 there were modifications to the Law. In our article  Constancia en Carabineros: when should I present it?  we review in detail the modifications and what to do in case of having Smart Deductible. But in general, you should proceed like this:

If in the traffic accident  people are injured or seriously injured, you must present the certificate in Carabineros.  In those cases, the insurer will demand proof from Carabineros so you can cash your car insurance.
The certificate must also be presented when any of the drivers involved are committing an unlawful act such  as driving  while intoxicated, being a minor, not having a driver's license , among others. This will help to make the insurance effective with your company.
For these cases you will have to go  to the nearest police station and the same commune in which the accident happened  to start the  step by step of the procedures  and be able to count on the insurance coverage of your vehicle

When NOT to present the constancy in Carabineros?
When the crash has not presented injured and / or the drivers are not in any illegality such  as being underage or being intoxicated. In this case,  the insurer will not require you to file with Carabineros  if you would like to use the Civil Liability coverage   to pay for the material damages caused to third parties and / or the material damage coverage for the repairs of your car.

To cash your Auto Insurance, you will have to  communicate directly with the insurer and through a simple sworn statement to communicate the events .

How many days do I have to report the incident?
According to the site of the SVS, the complaint in the insurance company must be made "within the period established in the policy, this is usually 10 days. The insured must not assume responsibilities with the affected third parties or make transactions or agreements without the knowledge of the insurance company. "

The main coverage of auto insurance are:

Civil liability:  This coverage covers the cost for damages and injuries caused to third parties, according to the amount indicated by the company.

Smart deductible:  When there is a third party clearly identified as guilty, the deductible with which the insurance was contracted will not be applied.

Criminal defense and constitution of bonds:  This insurance cover covers attorneys 'and attorneys' fees, court costs and amount of the bonds for any loss.

Theft, theft or unauthorized use:  Covers the theft of the vehicle or the damage caused to it during an attempted robbery.

Before hiring insurance you should consult the insurance company if you have these coverages.

Auto Insurance Assists
It often happens that our car does not leave or remains in the road. These types of events are what are called insurance assistance, where the company helps the insured by sending help.

The main assists of an auto insurance are:

Light mechanic service: In cases where the car is immobilized in the route and can not continue advancing, the assistance of the auto insurance sends mechanical help to the place where you stopped.

Crane:  If this happens to you in the afternoon or in the evening, you will save two movements of the crane: the transfer of the place to your home and the other day from your home to the workshop. On average it could be almost $ 60,000 that you could save yourself if you have contracted your insurance.

Auto Replacement:  This assistance is very good in case of not being able to use your car for any unforeseen or sinister. The typical shock by reach that although it does not leave your car unusable but forces you to send it to the workshop to have the dent removed. In those cases, the company provides you with a replacement car so you do not remain on foot.

Replacement driver :  The insurance company will provide a replacement driver when the insured is unable to drive.
Awesome body massage video | Auto insurance Awesome body massage video | Auto insurance Reviewed by Crazy Names on November 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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