25+ Facts of United Kingdom 2019. You Might not Know.

25+ Facts of United Kingdom 2019. You Might not Know.

Facts of United Kingdom 2019- We know that there are 195 countries in the world, all the countries have different rules and regulations. Considering geographical location and various aspects of all the countries, there are different laws and rules in all the countries. Today, the country we will discuss the facts of the United Kingdom. 
Facts of United Kingdom You Might not Know.

So today we will talk about the 25+ Facts of United Kingdom 2019. We are trying to start a new series named country facts, here we discuss the most interesting and funny facts about different countries. There are some rules and regulations in all countries around the world, which are similar and there are some rules and regulations that are different from all other countries. And we have a lot of fun facts with other things from the general public of the country, we will try to highlight them in this series. 
Today we will talk about the Facts of United Kingdom 2019. Here I have written about the facts of more than 25 of the United Kingdom. If you like any facts from here or read any facts, you are surprised and write facts in your own country. Of course, because of your comments, we will know that any facts match any country and make no mistake. Besides, if there are any interesting facts in your country, then you must inform them. So that everyone else can know the facts of your country. 

We know there are 195 countries in this world. Each country has different cultures, types of people and many other factors in 195 countries. In some of these countries, natural beauty has many places, some countries have discovered something rare in history. Of these 195 countries, 193 countries are included in the United Nations. 
The United Kingdom is formed with the participation of seven countries. The biggest country is England. Other countries are Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Anguilla, Bermuda, and British Antarctic Territory. Below are more than 25 Facts of United Kingdom discussions. I hope you enjoy the facts of UK described below.

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1. Area of United Kingdom is 242,495 km²

2. The population of the United Kingdom is 66.02 million as in 2017

3. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the parliament and the parliament is run by a constitutional monarchy.

4. The total GDP of the United Kingdom is $2.434 trillion. Their GDP is the 6th highest in the world. This is a cool fact of United Kingdom.

5. In terms of buying power parity, the United Kingdom is the eighth largest economy in the world and also they make a good contribution to the world economy.

6. London transport system is one of the oldest and largest transportation systems among the world.

7. The Stonehenge of UK is much older than the Pyramids of Egypt.

8. The Capital of the United Kingdom is London.

9. The national language of UK is English.

10. The currency of Uk is British Pound.

11. Approximately 26.6 billion pounds of revenue each year add in national GDP and the amount are comes from the automobiles comprise. It's a large amount of GDP.

12. They need a low amount of foods to import. Because the people of UK grow over 60% of their own foods.

13. The United Kingdom is a country of Europe continent.

14. In the whole United Kingdom, the largest country is England.

15. The most popular games like cricket, football are invented on the UK. Also, the golf, boxing games are invented from the UK.

16. Whenever a royal is married, it's spent as a national holiday for all folks in the UK.

17. More then 300 years, French was the official language of the United Kingdom. 

18. There are more chickens in England than humans. The people of UK love to eat chickens.

19. The United Kingdom has the oldest rail in the world.

20. The official name of the land of UK is the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

21. In the year 2016, the citizens of UK are voted to leave the European Union.

22. The majority amount of population of the United Kingdom is Christian. Around 60% of all population is Christian.

23. London was the first city in the world has an underground subway system.

24. Over 165 million cups of tea per day are consumed in the United Kingdom. It's a huge amount.
Facts of United Kingdom You Might not Know.

25. The queen of the United Kingdom doesn't have a passport but she visited over 100 countries on official duties. Actually, she doesn't need a passport.

26.The largest library in the world is in London.

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25+ Facts of United Kingdom 2019. You Might not Know. 25+ Facts of United Kingdom 2019. You Might not Know. Reviewed by Crazy Names on January 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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